Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Final Exam Part 3

I have to agree that you can find some pretty violent stuff on television. Movies like Saving Private Ryan and Die Hard, and TV shows like Cops are pretty violent. Does that mean that the violence portrayed in those movies is bad, and somehow affects society in a negative way? Heck no. Do we benefit from portrayals of violence in film and TV? Na. But violence we see on screen doesn't translate to violence in real life. In fact, violence on TV is just another way of entertaining people in film.

It's no wonder why movies and TV with violence do so well. It's because, to put it bluntly, violence is entertaining to people if we aren't actively engaged in it. While super violent shoot em' up movies are fun, I think the best way to portray violence in a movie is to show how horrible violence can be when you aren't behind a TV screen, because it can provide the same rush of adrenaline humans feel when they see violence, but it also reminds us that violence is a horrible thing in the real world, and can actually help people to respect and understand those who have gone through actual violence in their lives. An example would be the movie Saving Private Ryan. Aside from being a great movie, it  also doesn't follow the typical World War 2 good guys versus bad guys idea. It shows the gritty, frightening side of violence. It portrays violence in a very real and historical way. There aren't any heroes leading a violent charge and destroying the enemy, bathed in glory. Instead it shows soldiers being obliterated. There are no glorious charges, just people trying to stay alive, and it shows the real fear that soldiers felt at that time while also keeping the audience on edge.

I can tell you for a fact that nobody came out of the theater and said, "Well, since that movie included people shooting each other, I guess that means it's okay if I go buy a gun and shoot some people." No sane person would ever do that. It's the same thing with TV. Maybe people are just fundamentally bad and that's why so many of us get a kick out of watching criminals get tackled, or grip to the edge of our seats when Rambo sprays bullets everywhere. That doesn't mean that we are going to shoot real people, the real problem is not the media, but rather it is mental health. While we are busy trying to censor what people see on TV, people with mental health problems are in prison without proper care, and are slowly getting worse.

You might be thinking that so much exposure on violence on children's minds can effect their mental stability late on, but that isn't true. Violence is scary, even in movies, so seeing violence as a kid will just strengthen their resolve that violence is bad and should stay behind the screen.

Final Exam Part 2

It was 2 AM yesterday morning when meteorologists at Nadi Weather Center detected a cyclone rapidly developing near Nauru and moving across the Pacific Ocean towards the Solomon Islands.

"It was a fast developing front that we could not have anticipated any faster," Said Nadi Weather Center director James Jones.

The storm, named cyclone Victor, had sustained winds of up to 140 mph and was classified as a Level 4 Cyclone. At 3 AM, they contacted the Solomon Islands government, warning them of the approaching cyclone.

"We warned all the proper authorities," Jones said.

The Solomon Island government broadcast warnings on radio and to the police, and warned all shipping in the area of the cyclones approach.

"It was pretty chaotic for a few hours when the storm hit the community," Said Police Chief Marianna Adams. 

By 10 AM, winds in Honiara were blowing at more than 140 kilometers per hour. At around midday, the center of the cyclone passed directly over Honiara before tracking into the Coral Sea, where it blew itself out.

"It could have been worse but the emergency shelters established 3 years ago after hurricane Kilo gave our people a place to hide," Said Adams. "I want to commend all of our local emergency workers for their efforts."

So far, 6 people have been confirmed dead in the aftermath of the cyclone, another 18 are being treated in the hospital for severe injuries. More than 100 people are now homeless.

"We have heavy hearts for the people who lost their lives today," Said Adams.

Honiara has now started work on clean-up operations, and emergency services are waiting to hear from other districts about damage, but believe Honiara was the most affected. 

"The church is open to anyone who has lost their home and need a place to stay," Said local pastor Harold Young. "We will hold prayer services each night at 6 p.m. until we have everyone back in a stable home."

 Police say that of the six people who died, three men drowned when their car was blown off the road into a river, and two women and a man were killed by flying debris.

"We are devastated that our son, Frank, was killed," Said mother of one of the men killed, Lisa Ramos. "He was returning home from a vacation to Australia when the storm hit."

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Feature Writing Preview

1. A hard news lede will try to draw in a reader and that one just provided extra information.
3. Yes
4. Loosely based in quote-transition style.
5.Ted Williams, Tony Florentino, Ken Andrews, Frank Willson
6. Where Williams talks about how radio is defined as a theater of mind.
7. 32
8. 758
9.  They are tied together.
10. To bring in repetition and make the lede more powerful
11. Yes
12. Yes, because he described it very well.
13. It brought the story to life.
14. Slightly, but I think the stories success didn't depend on the video.
15. Yes he tried to describe the voice.
16. He used adjectives to describe how smooth and deep the voice was.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Final Exam Review

1. Timeliness- how recent something happened
2. Proximity- How close that subject is to where you are in the world.
3. Human Interest-Something that appeals to our human nature.
4. Prominence- How important your subject is. 
5. Conflict- We like to read about 2 things clashing. A conflict. 
6 Multiple Choice
6. Interviews- Something a reporter conducts with a source. A conversation between reporter and source.
7. Research- What reporters should do after they decide what their topic is. They should do research on topic. Find out additional info.
8. Quotations- The words from your sources.
9. Yes-no question- A question that can be answered with a yes or a no.
10. follow-up question-A question you ask to get your source to elaborate further, or give you more information.
Word bank
11. Objective writing- A sentence that has little or no opinion in it at all. 
3 Questions on Objective writing. Which sentence is the most objective?
12. Transition paragraph- A paragraph that links quotations and paragraphs together. 
13. Hard news story-A timely "breaking news" story.
14. Soft news story-Written in news style, but a little older and well known.
15. Inverted Pyramid-A writing style for hard news. Most important stuff at the top and least important stuff at the bottom. 
16. Third-person point of view-The way you should be writing in everything but reviews and commentary. 1st person, I. 2nd person, we, us. 3rd person, he she they.
17. 5 Ws and H lead- We use the 5 W and one H style for a lead in a hard news story.
18. editing- 
  1. prepare (written material) for publication by correcting, condensing, or otherwise modifying it.

    "Volume I was edited by J. Johnson"

  2. 2.
    be editor of (a newspaper or magazine).
    synonyms:be the editor of, directrunmanageheadleadsuperviseoversee, preside over;
    informalbe the boss of
    "he edited the school newspaper"
Multiple Choice
19. attribution- When you give credit to your source for what they said.
20. paraphrase- Indirect quote, a summary of what your sources said, with you rewriting it in a different way.
21. fragmentary quotation-Not real
22. direct quotation-An exact word for word account of what the source said.
23. partial quotation- Direct Quotation / Partial Direct Quotations (text removed) / Partial Direct Quotations (text introduced or concluded) / Block Quotation / Paraphrasing. DirectQuotationDefinition: The use of the exact words of the writer, often in complete sentences, surrounded by quotation marks.
Word Bank
24. Uses of quotations- quotes are supposed to convey feelings and emotion, pull reader into the story. 
25. When to use quotations- Don't quote facts, always opinions, must convey feelings and emotions and draw in reader. 
26. When quotations are unnecessary or not desired-Don't need to attribute general knowledge to anybody.
27. Editorial- An article that states the newspapers' opinion on a topic. Generally, there's an editorial board, that decides what the editorial should be. 
28. editorial page- A page or pages in a newspaper that has the editorial, columns, opinion pieces, political cartoons, reviews, staff box.
29. columns- An article written by an individual person that expresses their opinion on a topic.
Word Bank
30. editorial that criticizes- an editorial that expresses that something is wrong.
31. editorial that explains- Explaining something going on in a community
32. editorial that persuades-Trying to get people to change their minds, offering specific solutions to problems
33. letter to the editor- Something written by somebody in the community to the newspaper.
Word Bank
True/False at end

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Peer Critique

1. Becky Shelton- grandmother, Micheal Shelton- Youngest Son

2. It is all about her grandmothers life, from being born in 1944 to losing her father at age 5, to childhood life without screens or technology, and finally about growing up, having kids, and becoming a grandmother.

3. 29

4. 955

5. 14

6. 2

7. When she said the experience of being a parent and grandparent is great, and it completes her life.

8. End

9. I think it does. It's a pretty good lede.

10. I would say another family member or friend, just someone close to Becky Shelton.

11. I think the story is pretty objective.

12. No can't think of any unanswered questions.

13. The life of Becky Shelton, Mother, Sister, and Grandmother.

14. I think this is a pretty good story, and provides some cool broad quotes about her early life. I would have liked to hear a little bit more about her adult life though.

15. 95

Feature Story Self-Critique

1. Patrick Page- My Grandad, Michelle Kopp- My mom

2. At the beginning of the story I go over the Jobs my Grandad had before working for the school, such as doing social work for a law office. I then moved to how he was convinced to work for the school by the superintendent and then started doing attendance work. He talks about what doing attendance work entitles and what kind of situations he's run into during his work.

3. 18

4. 855

5. 9

6. 2

7. The quote where he talks about the habits that can best keep children out of bad situations like the ones he has seen.

8. End

9. I think so, because it talks about all his jobs and shows his history with social work.

10. I would probably have interviewed my nana, Nancy Page, because she is living with him and could probably provide extra information on the subject from an outsiders perspective.

11. Yes, I tried to be as unbiased as possible.

12. No not really.

13. Helping students in bad situations: A social worker for Madisonville ISD.

14. I think it is a pretty good story because it is an interesting subject that probably hasn't been touched on by many students.

15. 90

Feature Story link


Tuesday, December 5, 2017

CE #3.1

1. Sean Foley Andrew Nester

2. Because they thought there was too much land being protected

3. To keep up with inflation, offer competitive pay for teachers and clean up classrooms

4. Baker Mayfield, Oklahoma Lamar Jackson, Louisville Bryce Love, Stanford

5. I'd want to see Daddy's Home 2, because I saw the first one and it was really funny.

Long Response:
1. It seems to imply that he himself fired general Flynn even though he didn't
2. I think Trump probably knew what was going on with Flynn because Trump is in to colluding with Russians
3. No I think the president needs to make a formal address of some kind instead of hiding behind twitter.
4. I think twitter should be used for people to post things they find funny, opinions, or debate things, but it is too unprofessional for the president to use it.
5. People should get their news from the paper, if they go to a news website, or on TV.
6. I don't think so because there is no filter on social media and anybody can post anything.

Final Video
