Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Final Exam Part 3

I have to agree that you can find some pretty violent stuff on television. Movies like Saving Private Ryan and Die Hard, and TV shows like Cops are pretty violent. Does that mean that the violence portrayed in those movies is bad, and somehow affects society in a negative way? Heck no. Do we benefit from portrayals of violence in film and TV? Na. But violence we see on screen doesn't translate to violence in real life. In fact, violence on TV is just another way of entertaining people in film.

It's no wonder why movies and TV with violence do so well. It's because, to put it bluntly, violence is entertaining to people if we aren't actively engaged in it. While super violent shoot em' up movies are fun, I think the best way to portray violence in a movie is to show how horrible violence can be when you aren't behind a TV screen, because it can provide the same rush of adrenaline humans feel when they see violence, but it also reminds us that violence is a horrible thing in the real world, and can actually help people to respect and understand those who have gone through actual violence in their lives. An example would be the movie Saving Private Ryan. Aside from being a great movie, it  also doesn't follow the typical World War 2 good guys versus bad guys idea. It shows the gritty, frightening side of violence. It portrays violence in a very real and historical way. There aren't any heroes leading a violent charge and destroying the enemy, bathed in glory. Instead it shows soldiers being obliterated. There are no glorious charges, just people trying to stay alive, and it shows the real fear that soldiers felt at that time while also keeping the audience on edge.

I can tell you for a fact that nobody came out of the theater and said, "Well, since that movie included people shooting each other, I guess that means it's okay if I go buy a gun and shoot some people." No sane person would ever do that. It's the same thing with TV. Maybe people are just fundamentally bad and that's why so many of us get a kick out of watching criminals get tackled, or grip to the edge of our seats when Rambo sprays bullets everywhere. That doesn't mean that we are going to shoot real people, the real problem is not the media, but rather it is mental health. While we are busy trying to censor what people see on TV, people with mental health problems are in prison without proper care, and are slowly getting worse.

You might be thinking that so much exposure on violence on children's minds can effect their mental stability late on, but that isn't true. Violence is scary, even in movies, so seeing violence as a kid will just strengthen their resolve that violence is bad and should stay behind the screen.

Final Exam Part 2

It was 2 AM yesterday morning when meteorologists at Nadi Weather Center detected a cyclone rapidly developing near Nauru and moving across the Pacific Ocean towards the Solomon Islands.

"It was a fast developing front that we could not have anticipated any faster," Said Nadi Weather Center director James Jones.

The storm, named cyclone Victor, had sustained winds of up to 140 mph and was classified as a Level 4 Cyclone. At 3 AM, they contacted the Solomon Islands government, warning them of the approaching cyclone.

"We warned all the proper authorities," Jones said.

The Solomon Island government broadcast warnings on radio and to the police, and warned all shipping in the area of the cyclones approach.

"It was pretty chaotic for a few hours when the storm hit the community," Said Police Chief Marianna Adams. 

By 10 AM, winds in Honiara were blowing at more than 140 kilometers per hour. At around midday, the center of the cyclone passed directly over Honiara before tracking into the Coral Sea, where it blew itself out.

"It could have been worse but the emergency shelters established 3 years ago after hurricane Kilo gave our people a place to hide," Said Adams. "I want to commend all of our local emergency workers for their efforts."

So far, 6 people have been confirmed dead in the aftermath of the cyclone, another 18 are being treated in the hospital for severe injuries. More than 100 people are now homeless.

"We have heavy hearts for the people who lost their lives today," Said Adams.

Honiara has now started work on clean-up operations, and emergency services are waiting to hear from other districts about damage, but believe Honiara was the most affected. 

"The church is open to anyone who has lost their home and need a place to stay," Said local pastor Harold Young. "We will hold prayer services each night at 6 p.m. until we have everyone back in a stable home."

 Police say that of the six people who died, three men drowned when their car was blown off the road into a river, and two women and a man were killed by flying debris.

"We are devastated that our son, Frank, was killed," Said mother of one of the men killed, Lisa Ramos. "He was returning home from a vacation to Australia when the storm hit."

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Feature Writing Preview

1. A hard news lede will try to draw in a reader and that one just provided extra information.
3. Yes
4. Loosely based in quote-transition style.
5.Ted Williams, Tony Florentino, Ken Andrews, Frank Willson
6. Where Williams talks about how radio is defined as a theater of mind.
7. 32
8. 758
9.  They are tied together.
10. To bring in repetition and make the lede more powerful
11. Yes
12. Yes, because he described it very well.
13. It brought the story to life.
14. Slightly, but I think the stories success didn't depend on the video.
15. Yes he tried to describe the voice.
16. He used adjectives to describe how smooth and deep the voice was.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Final Exam Review

1. Timeliness- how recent something happened
2. Proximity- How close that subject is to where you are in the world.
3. Human Interest-Something that appeals to our human nature.
4. Prominence- How important your subject is. 
5. Conflict- We like to read about 2 things clashing. A conflict. 
6 Multiple Choice
6. Interviews- Something a reporter conducts with a source. A conversation between reporter and source.
7. Research- What reporters should do after they decide what their topic is. They should do research on topic. Find out additional info.
8. Quotations- The words from your sources.
9. Yes-no question- A question that can be answered with a yes or a no.
10. follow-up question-A question you ask to get your source to elaborate further, or give you more information.
Word bank
11. Objective writing- A sentence that has little or no opinion in it at all. 
3 Questions on Objective writing. Which sentence is the most objective?
12. Transition paragraph- A paragraph that links quotations and paragraphs together. 
13. Hard news story-A timely "breaking news" story.
14. Soft news story-Written in news style, but a little older and well known.
15. Inverted Pyramid-A writing style for hard news. Most important stuff at the top and least important stuff at the bottom. 
16. Third-person point of view-The way you should be writing in everything but reviews and commentary. 1st person, I. 2nd person, we, us. 3rd person, he she they.
17. 5 Ws and H lead- We use the 5 W and one H style for a lead in a hard news story.
18. editing- 
  1. prepare (written material) for publication by correcting, condensing, or otherwise modifying it.

    "Volume I was edited by J. Johnson"

  2. 2.
    be editor of (a newspaper or magazine).
    synonyms:be the editor of, directrunmanageheadleadsuperviseoversee, preside over;
    informalbe the boss of
    "he edited the school newspaper"
Multiple Choice
19. attribution- When you give credit to your source for what they said.
20. paraphrase- Indirect quote, a summary of what your sources said, with you rewriting it in a different way.
21. fragmentary quotation-Not real
22. direct quotation-An exact word for word account of what the source said.
23. partial quotation- Direct Quotation / Partial Direct Quotations (text removed) / Partial Direct Quotations (text introduced or concluded) / Block Quotation / Paraphrasing. DirectQuotationDefinition: The use of the exact words of the writer, often in complete sentences, surrounded by quotation marks.
Word Bank
24. Uses of quotations- quotes are supposed to convey feelings and emotion, pull reader into the story. 
25. When to use quotations- Don't quote facts, always opinions, must convey feelings and emotions and draw in reader. 
26. When quotations are unnecessary or not desired-Don't need to attribute general knowledge to anybody.
27. Editorial- An article that states the newspapers' opinion on a topic. Generally, there's an editorial board, that decides what the editorial should be. 
28. editorial page- A page or pages in a newspaper that has the editorial, columns, opinion pieces, political cartoons, reviews, staff box.
29. columns- An article written by an individual person that expresses their opinion on a topic.
Word Bank
30. editorial that criticizes- an editorial that expresses that something is wrong.
31. editorial that explains- Explaining something going on in a community
32. editorial that persuades-Trying to get people to change their minds, offering specific solutions to problems
33. letter to the editor- Something written by somebody in the community to the newspaper.
Word Bank
True/False at end

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Peer Critique

1. Becky Shelton- grandmother, Micheal Shelton- Youngest Son

2. It is all about her grandmothers life, from being born in 1944 to losing her father at age 5, to childhood life without screens or technology, and finally about growing up, having kids, and becoming a grandmother.

3. 29

4. 955

5. 14

6. 2

7. When she said the experience of being a parent and grandparent is great, and it completes her life.

8. End

9. I think it does. It's a pretty good lede.

10. I would say another family member or friend, just someone close to Becky Shelton.

11. I think the story is pretty objective.

12. No can't think of any unanswered questions.

13. The life of Becky Shelton, Mother, Sister, and Grandmother.

14. I think this is a pretty good story, and provides some cool broad quotes about her early life. I would have liked to hear a little bit more about her adult life though.

15. 95

Feature Story Self-Critique

1. Patrick Page- My Grandad, Michelle Kopp- My mom

2. At the beginning of the story I go over the Jobs my Grandad had before working for the school, such as doing social work for a law office. I then moved to how he was convinced to work for the school by the superintendent and then started doing attendance work. He talks about what doing attendance work entitles and what kind of situations he's run into during his work.

3. 18

4. 855

5. 9

6. 2

7. The quote where he talks about the habits that can best keep children out of bad situations like the ones he has seen.

8. End

9. I think so, because it talks about all his jobs and shows his history with social work.

10. I would probably have interviewed my nana, Nancy Page, because she is living with him and could probably provide extra information on the subject from an outsiders perspective.

11. Yes, I tried to be as unbiased as possible.

12. No not really.

13. Helping students in bad situations: A social worker for Madisonville ISD.

14. I think it is a pretty good story because it is an interesting subject that probably hasn't been touched on by many students.

15. 90

Feature Story link


Tuesday, December 5, 2017

CE #3.1

1. Sean Foley Andrew Nester

2. Because they thought there was too much land being protected

3. To keep up with inflation, offer competitive pay for teachers and clean up classrooms

4. Baker Mayfield, Oklahoma Lamar Jackson, Louisville Bryce Love, Stanford

5. I'd want to see Daddy's Home 2, because I saw the first one and it was really funny.

Long Response:
1. It seems to imply that he himself fired general Flynn even though he didn't
2. I think Trump probably knew what was going on with Flynn because Trump is in to colluding with Russians
3. No I think the president needs to make a formal address of some kind instead of hiding behind twitter.
4. I think twitter should be used for people to post things they find funny, opinions, or debate things, but it is too unprofessional for the president to use it.
5. People should get their news from the paper, if they go to a news website, or on TV.
6. I don't think so because there is no filter on social media and anybody can post anything.

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Feature Story Draft

Will Grossenbacher notes

Interview with grandad-

(Not a question just a little background information about attendance work as far as being a social worker goes.)

If a teacher notices a child is not attending regularly then they report that to the principal and the principal will call me and let me know and I will go out to the child's residence and contact the parents and try to see what the problem is, and see if there's anything that the school can do to help, because attendance is critical, if a child doesn't attend school, they can't do the work and they fall behind, and it creates all kinds of problems so attendance is very important.

What year was it when you first started out, and what school?

1998, I believe I had retired from my own business at the time doing social work for attorneys and I had retired from that and a good friend of mine who was superintendent of schools talked me in to helping out for a time and that was in 1998. And I'm still doing it although I've limited myself to a couple days a week now.

What school was it?

Right, Madisonville... Actually I do work for the whole school district, high school, junior high, intermediate, elementary and also the alternate or alternative school.

Note: Madisonville school district. MCISD

What was the most interesting thing that you encountered when you had to go to one of the kid's houses?

One thing I've noticed over time is if a family has some sort of trauma, if they have an automobile accident or a house burns down, obviously it creates a problem, and it interferes with their ability to attend school to concentrate on their work at school and that sort of thing. So I've seen some of those sort of things. It's always difficult for a student if their family undergoes some sort of trauma but they have to keep up with their school work.

Do you have a specific story about what trauma somebody went through?

Without divulging anybodies identity or anything I can just tell you I've been in situations where there's been automobile accidents, there's been house fires, I remember one situation where there was a homicide in the family unit. Anything like that that interrupts the child's education. Many things can do that that's stressful so some things might not be as stressful as others.

So there was a homicide?

In one situation, like I said, without getting into specifics (peoples names) I can remember one situation a number of years ago where there was a homicide in the family unit.

How did they try to get the child back on track?

Usually there's a number of resources in the community. If the family is active in the church a lot of times the pastors may help with some training and counseling,  might be able to help in that way. There are also medical facilities, the family doctor may be able to refer them to a counselor, so there's a number of resources that are available to students and also the school has counselors within the school district. Each school, high school, junior high, intermediate, and elementary all have counselors that are trained and are able to help some of these children if they have a problem like that.

My dad told me there was a story about how at one point you went to a house and there seemed to have been a party going on the previous night and the kid was really tired, could you tell me more about that?

In general, habits are important and if a child is, or if the children in a family are allowed to choose their own bedtime, they may go to bed at one o' clock in the morning after playing a game on their phone or on their computer or whatever. So obviously the next day in class they're not gonna be attentive and they can't listen and that sort of thing. It's important for families to set guidelines for the children and to make sure that they get enough rest so that when they go back to school the next day they'll be able to participate.

Did you usually see positive results after helping children out?

Yeah. Sometimes it depends really on the family unit and what kind of resources they have, and what sort of attitude they bring to it. If they're really interested and concerned about the welfare of their children, then they'll be more receptive to questions, If they have their own problems, and many times they do, then they're less able to provide guidance and assistance to the children. In other words to act as a parent.

Did you have any situations where you just had to remove the child from the situation?

What we do in a case where we find that the child's at risk is we report that to the Texas Department of Human Services, and the Child Welfare Division, and they take it from there.

So it's usually pretty benign, just kids not getting enough sleep, and cutting class?

Right. That sort of thing. The family could be having problems in a number of ways. For example it could be financial, they could be stressed financially, loss of a job, that sort of thing. It could be any number of reasons why. The family may be disrupted, I've had situations where the father and sometimes the mother too have been incarcerated. And sometimes the children were put in the care of grandparents, aunts uncles, family members, that sort of thing. That's obviously disruptive to the kids.

Have you ever had a situation where there was a child that was just alone?

There's two ways that a child can become damaged. One of them is from neglect, by not providing the proper care and supervision. And the other is through abuse, where the child may actually be injured. Emotionally or physically, and I've seen both of those.

I guess you always have to be ready for a call all the time, do you just get the calls and go?

That's it. Basically I'm on call and I depend on referrals from teachers to the principal, and the principal usually or the counselor, either one at school will call me and ask me to make a home visit for them and tell me at the time what there concerns are.

Do you ever end up going into the house and inspecting it?

Usually when I go out I knock on the door and ask them if I can come in, depending on the attitude of the parents and the situation and the severity. It may be a child has only missed 3 or 4 days of school and a teacher is concerned because, again, it's of critical importance that they attend so that they can keep up and do the work. So yeah when I go out to make a home visit, I may look as I drive up to the home to see if it's maintained or if it's neglected or how it looks and that sort of thing. One thing that I always look for is dogs running loose. I don't wanna be bitten. When I drive up to a residence I usually blow the horn and holler, "I'm a social worker, do you have any dogs that bite?"

Do you keep any kind of weapon?

No. Nothing. I do have a walking stick but I need it [for] my back, I have some problems with my back, and I keep a walking stick in the truck to help me get around and to fend off bulldogs.

Interview with Mom-

Can you tell me about Grandad's earlier days in social work?

When I was in middle school and high school, he was a medical social worker for-(I think he said something about an old business where he was a law social worker?) Yeah he did that for a while and he also has a masters degree in social work and is a licensed professional counselor. So he at one point I know he was managing a facility for people that where transitioning from mental health and mental retardation facilities back out into the general population, another name for those would be a halfway house,  not for prisoners but for people that were transitioning back into the general population, but they need a little care and guidance. So my understanding is that he was managing a place where these men would be getting out of their situation where they were in a mental hospital dealing with mental health issues

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Dispatch #2

Post-game Whataburger enacts additional security
1. Going to Whataburger after football games was always a student tradition, but Whataburger decided that they needed to have a security guard on the premises because of an altercation between a student and a Whataburger employee after the LBJ game. Many students describe how the officer's presence stifles the post game atmosphere, but Whataburger manager Marcus Casillas likes having the security guard to provide more safety for students.
Whataburger manager Marcus Casillas
High school junior Rylee Holder
Junior Levi Ander
Not really, I didn't even know about the post-game whataburger tradition, but I'm sure if I actually enjoyed the freedom of whataburger after games, then I'd probably be more intrigued.
Conclusion was a quote
Only photo in the story is the one of the whataburger cashier checking people out, so this is my favorite picture. It's a good picture because it shows how hectic the whataburger is after games because of all the people in the foreground.
No least favorite photo because there was only one photo
I think it would be fun to take pictures of the post-game celebration because then I could go to whataburger after a game and celebrate with everyone else as well as take pictures.
I think it's a pretty good picture because it stays focused on the subject.
Team 10 musical murder
1. This person is reviewing the song "It's everyday bro" by Jake Paul and Team 10. She goes on to talk about why this song is bad because of its repetitive beat and bland rapping.
Nobody quoted in this story
I think the opening bit were she made a joke about the name of the song and the fact that everyone keeps bringing it up was funny and made me want to keep reading.
Conclusion was a statement
There was one photo, and it was of the team 10 logo with 2,000,000 subscribers under it, and I liked this photo because it was a good job with photoshop and whatever she used to create the team 10 logo.
No other photos in the story, so no least favorite.
I think it would be cool to go to the team 10 house and take pictures because then you could travel to LA and get to take a picture of the team 10 house which is pretty cool.
I think this was  good picture because of the talent it takes to make a team 10 logo from scratch
JBHSOPE to face upcoming challenges 
1. This article is about the JBHSOPE getting ready to compete in the San Antonio super regional. It is going to be extra challenging this year however, because Avon high school from Indiana is coming to the super regional and they have one of the most prestigious marching band programs in the United States.
Band director Jennifer Hanford
Junior Adam Dinkins
Senior Ali Rodriguez
Once again, the only photo is of the guard members all on the bed with cloud guy and the girl, reaching up to the sky. I like this picture because it is a really cool part of the show and includes all the characters.
No least favorite as there was only one.
I think it would be cool to go along to a competition and get to watch all the bands perform because Texas bands are really good and they have really good shows.
I think it's a good picture because it really encapsulates the feeling of the whole show.
One Step at a time, one punch at a time 
1. This story is about a high school student, Evan Janowitz, who is pursuing his dream of becoming a boxer. He trains multiple times a week, and it is explained that boxing is much more than just a physical sport, it is also a very mental sport.
Evan Janowitz
Evan's mom Sally Janowitz
Evan's trainer Conrad Sanchez
Evan's girlfriend Sophie Clain
The strongest quote was when Evan's trainer Conrad Sanchez talked about how Evan used to be a walking stick, which I thought was funny.
Yes the lead sentence made me want to keep reading
I think my favorite picture was the one of Evan punching the training gloves, which was shot from behind his trainer. I thought it was cool because it was intense.
My least favorite picture was the one of Evan punching the trainer from far away, I thought it looked kind of unfocused and wasn't as interesting.
I think this would be interesting to photograph because I have never seen a boxer train before and that would be cool.
I think overall the photography in this issue was good because it I like 2 out of 3 of the pictures because the subject was interesting and they were focused well on the subject.
The world needs to be more careful with North Korea
1. This commentary is about the current situation with North Korea, and the threat that they pose to the US and other nations. North Korea is about to develop a nuclear arsenal capable of reaching the United States east coast, and we need to do something about it.
2.Nobody really quoted in this article because it is a commentary piece.
No strong quotes as there were no quotes.
The lead sentence made me want to keep reading
3. The only picture there was a box with a bunch of nuclear warheads in it that had a postage stamp saying From:North Korea To: USA. I liked this picture because it is funny and i like political cartoons, which is kind of what this is.
No other pictures.
I would not want to do pictures for this story because usually Americans who go to North Korea never come back.
I liked the photography in this issue.
1. This story was about the overwhelming amount of stress high school students have to go through and how how high stress levels can be bad for students, and can lead to depression and suicide.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Feature Story

1. I'm hoping to use my grandad because he used to be a social worker for a high school and I've heard he has interesting stories since he had to go to the houses of kids who were absent a lot.
2. I could talk to my nana and my mom because they might have background information, because they were living together when he was a social worker.
3. A story from when he was a social worker and the situation that he found at the houses of kids who were absent from school.
4. I assume I would be the narrator and include direct quotes.
-How old were you when you were a social worker?
-What year was it?
-What school did you work at?
-What is the most interesting story from your time

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

The man who played the violin

I think that we can perceive beauty in a crowded commonplace environment, but there are many people who hear the music but choose to ignore because they're to busy.

Most of the people in the subway did not stop to appreciate the music. I think this is because they don't know about music and probably have never heard really good violin music before.

I think many of the people were able to recognize the talent and hear the beauty, but refused to get into it and preferred to block it out.

Friday, November 3, 2017

Peer Reflection #1

1.  Nathan Stowe
2. He's trying to convince people to end the war on drugs.
3. He thinks that decriminalizing drugs and making soft drugs (weed, etc..) legal would lower incarceration and death rates due to drugs.
4. No
5. No he was very straight about his opinion.
6. 1st.

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Commentary Article

Every year, at about the same time, something strange happens at every school in Texas. Instead of going to normal classes and learning, students hunker down in a classroom and prepare for a "4 hour" test. But, lets be honest, most people usually finish in about an hour and then spend the next three reading a book or rolling your pencil across the desk; unless you're the one person in the class who somehow takes three hours in every test (I'm looking at you, Rohan). This phenomenon is sometimes referred to as the STAAR test. Standardized tests are a staple of public schooling and have been for a while, and it's surprising why they are still a thing considering EVERYONE (especially teachers!) hate them. I think standardized tests are ridiculous and should be abolished immediately.

First of all, studies have shown that standardized testing doesn't help students. According to the national academy, despite the use of standardized tests for a while, educators found that incentives created by standardized tests did not improve education. Did you know that after the No Child Left Behind act was passed in 2002*, the U.S. went from 18th in math in the world on the Programme for International student assessment to 31st in 2009. So standardized tests aren't just unhelpful, they are literally hurting student's education. And it makes sense to. Don't you think it would be more useful to use the several days that you lose due to testing for something helpful, like learning new information, instead of sitting around like a vegetable?

 Now, haters will say, "wait! wait! The point of standardized tests isn't to improve learning for students immediately, they're for measuring a students' academic achievement so that the student can be placed in classes that help them the most." You know what I say to that? Wrong.  According to a study published by Brookings institution in 2001 that found that 50-80% of test score improvements were temporary and only caused by normal fluctuations that had nothing to do with the level of learning by a student. So with these "normal fluctuations" how are standardized tests good enough to measure a students' long term intelligence? Spoiler alert: they aren't.

Tests are extremely stressful, especially to younger students. According to the Sacramento Bee, test related jitters were so common that the Stanford-9 exam comes with instructions on what to do if a student vomits on it. Are you kidding me? Kids don't need to be subject to this much stress. Life itself is already stressful enough for some people, and with the stress of a single test that decides "how smart you are", it's obvious how it could become too much for some people. Especially if the stress is so bad that you literally have to include instructions on what to do if a student vomits on a test due to stress.

 I think it is completely obvious that standardized tests are inadequate because they don't measure long term intelligence, and they hinder your learning ability. I think students and teachers alike can unite and say that standardized tests should be abolished.

*NCLB was the act that made standardized testing mandatory for all schools across the U.S.


Tuesday, October 24, 2017

CE #2.2

1. 1,840 dollars
2. Must have a clean bill of health from an FAA approved doctor
3. Leander- $454 million, Bastrop- 88.5 million Lake Travis-$253 million, Eanes-$3 million
4. 50,000 jobs
5. Creepy short stories and memes

Long response:
This story was about a man who was legally blind riding in google's self driving car for the first time. He then goes over how many Americans don't want to ride in self driving cars, even though they could be even safer than those driven by humans. Everybody could benefit from self driving cars, especially people with disabilities who can't drive themselves. I think I would feel more safe knowing there are cars driven by machines because machines are immune to human error. I think after self driving cars, there will be personal self driving planes that everybody gets around in.

Friday, October 20, 2017

Opinions writing preview

1. Jake Brian
2. Blend
3. Jake thought that blend was a good idea but the way it was implemented was not on point.
4. no
5. I think he did a good job of explaining his position
6. No
7. 1st

The difference between news stories and commentary stories is that in news stories the journalist lets other people provide opinions through direct quotes and paraphrasing, whereas in commentary the writer simply gives there opinion.

Prompt Shoot





Tuesday, October 17, 2017

SNO online papers

1. Sumin Son.

2. How the "Smart snack" decision in schools limits fundraising capabilities.

3. It is a shame that the restriction prevents students from buying the snacks they had once enjoyed and fails to benefit students significantly.

4. No.

5. No, he wasn't wishy-washy.

6. No.

7.  1st

Commentary readings and examples

1. A conversational topic would be good for me.

2. Use details to draw the reader in.

3.  Don't make every sentence begin with "I". Avoid philosophical rants. Make connections.

The Dispatch-news evaluation

Who- School Board
What- Bond
When- Nov 7
Where- Bowie HS
Why- To renovate Bowie HS
How- Bowie needs renovation
Bowie High school is in need of renovation, with halls being too hot and not enough parking space, and there is a bond that is being voted on to try to fix all of these problems. This bond is looking to fix fundamental problems and create a better school for students.

Principal Mark Robinson- Direct
superintendent Paul Cruz- Direct
AISD consultant- Matais Segura
Senior Brian Garcia

4. No

5. Yes it does

6. yes

Who- Principal Mark Robinson
What- Reform
When- 2017-18 school year
Why- Bowie needs to have one on one with people
How-By connecting with students and ensuring happiness

Principal Mark Robinson is new to Bowie High school and is making changes. He has promised to benefit Bowie in many ways. One of them being pushing the new AISD bond, and making students happiness and morale a priority.

Principal Mark Robinson-direct
Carla De La Rosa-Direct

4. No

5. Yes

6. No

Who- BHS students
What- Chromebooks
When- January this year
Why- Bowie needs chromebooks
How- By providing all students with their own chromebooks.

2. New tech will be arriving at Bowie come January. AISD has promised that sometime in January, all students at Bowie High School will get their own chromebook. This is a huge step towards better learning because now everybody has a personal computer.

3.  Micheal Evans- Direct
     Allie Grooms- Direct

4. No

5. Yes

6. No

Who-Bowie administrators
What-Bowie logo
When - Later next year
Why- Gonzaga suing bowie over logo
How- Changing logo

2. The Bowie logo has been an iconic part of the school since it opened in 1988. It is the bulldog with its mouth open, showing its teeth and seeming to growl. This logo also happens to be the logo of Gonzaga university, who are now threatening to sue Bowie if they don't change it.

Alex Paulson-direct
Mark Robinson- direct

4. No

5. Yes

6. No

Who- SEL people
What- SEL class
When This year
Why- SEL is a good class
How- By attending SEL

2. Many students question how they are gonna use skills taught in class in life. SEL is a very popular class because it teaches students skills about life, such as how to speak to people and interpret your feelings.

Sydney Johnson-direct
Jean Frazier-direct

4. No

5. Yes

6. No


C.E. quiz #2.1

1. Ben Franklin, Statue of Liberty, Thomas Jefferson, George Washington

2. Women's health institute, Muskuloskeletal Institute, Mulva clinic for the Neurosciences,  WorkLife Clinic

3. They have the same medallion type logo.

4. Nick Medina

5. Blade Runner 2049

Long Response: The writer thinks science is very important and should be taken into account when making decisions. In paragraph 3, the author directly speaks to the audience. Advancing science communication will require focused work to create effective methods that have not yet been discovered. He talked about being able to pilot a ship 3 billion miles, discovering how Lucy died 3.2 million years ago, etc. Provide real incentives for people to believe in science. I think the way he approached it was good. I agree with his stance because I think science is very reputable because you can actually prove this stuff.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Earthquake Story

An earthquake hit the San Francisco Bay area yesterday at 8:12 AM. A building housing McHenry's Auto Supply at 2342 Plum St. partially collapsed, killing two people and injuring six others.

"We are not able to release the names of the dead at this time," Said a Jennifer Vu, public information officer from the Hayward Fire Department. "We need permission from the victims' families to release the names."

Hayward resident Mike Beamer, whose apartment is across the street from McHenry's, said he felt a rolling motion that lasted for about 30 seconds, with a big jolt coming in the middle.

"I was eating my breakfast when the room started rolling," said Beamer. "I dove under the table just as I heard an explosion outside and a chunk of cement flew through my kitchen window. That's when the screaming started across the street."

Hayward firefighters used ropes to stabilize the auto supply shop, conducting a search of the building and capped a gas line after detecting a gas leak at the site.

"Twenty-one fire personnel, 12 police and five American Red Cross workers responded to the building collapse, with some arriving within four minutes of the quake," Vu said.

Three of the six people injured were hurt seriously enough to require hospitalization and were transported to Hayward General Hospital.

"A couple had broken bones, and there was one with a fractured skull," Vu said. "We are hopeful that they will make a full recovery.

The epicenter of the earthquake, which had a magnitude of 6.4 on the Richter scale, was under the Hayward Hills, according to Penny Gertz, a scientist from the U.S. Geological Survey in Menlo Park. Gertz called the quake a "strong one" and said it occurred on the Hayward Fault, which runs under the hills.

"People as far south as Los Angeles and as far north as Redding felt the quake," Gertz said.

Hunnington story

An incident took place in Barstow, California last night at about 10 PM, the incident ended in 53 year old Janice Jones being shot in the leg by her own 9mm handgun.

The gun was knocked off the table by Ms. Jones dog at her motor home parked near highway 1. The weapon discharged, and the bullet passed clean through Jones' leg and the vehicle.

"It could have been worse," said California Highway Patrol press liaison Tammy Rye. "The bullet hit two inches from the gas tank."

Jones was taken by ambulance to Huntington beach hospital and then moved to Irvine Medical center.

"Jones is being treated for a minor leg wound," said Rye. "And she is expected to make a full recovery.

Jones' dog, a Pomeranian named Tombo, was placed in the care of Huntington Beach Animal Control officers. The dog was malnourished, and had fresh cigarette burns all over it's forehead.

"It could have done with a little less abuse and a little more of those pork chops," said animal control officer Janet Ngo.

The Car Accident

Two vehicles collided this afternoon at 4:45 at the corner of First Street and Slaughter Lane, police and paramedics immediately responded to the scene, arriving at 4:55.

"We arrived on the scene to find two cars that seemed to have collided, drivers of both cars were already out of their cars, Mr. Jingleheimer-Smith was unconscious when we arrived on the scene," said paramedic Johnathan Stacey.

One of the cars, a 1948 Studebaker, was being driven by 13-year-old Roger Clementine, who was cited for driving without a license and driving in the wrong lane. Clementine was taken to the hospital and treated for minor cuts to his face, and then released.

"I am so, so sorry," said Clementine. "I just wanted to take Uncle Bob's car out for a spin, and I wasn't paying attention. I didn't think I would hit anybody."

John Jacob Jingleheimer-Smith, the driver of the second car, a 1989 Yugo Firebelcher, was taken to the hospital to be treated for a severe head injury and is still in critical condition.

"I was just going down Slaughter, I must've only been going 5, 10 miles an hour, when I see this other car drift into our lane," said Jingleheimer-Smith. "He slammed into the front of the car, and my head hit the dashboard."

Jingleheimer-Smith's wife, Melba, was also in the car with him at the time. She was treated for a bloody nose and released.

"I don't remember much, I think I was doing some last minute touches on my makeup, we were heading to a party, and I just looked up and saw the other car," said Melba. "We started spinning out of control. When we finally spun to a stop, I immediately got out of the car, and saw that it was totally destroyed.  I was crushed because that is gonna cost us a ton of cash to replace."

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Free Write

Attention! The following is a message transmitted by the United States Government. The nation is on complete lockdown and all passage in and out of the country is prohibited. The situation has become dire. The dead are rising from their graves, and attacking the living. Attacks have already been reported in Georgia, Florida, Louisiana, and Texas. It is likely that more attacks of this nature will occur. Citizens of the United States are advised to take shelter in a basement or in specific locations around your city. Leaflets will be dropped via aircraft detailing the location of these locations. It is advised that you take plenty of food and water with you to your place of refuge. If you see one of these undead creatures, please report it immediately to authorities in your area. The spreading of this epidemic seems to be through the transfer of fluids. If you, or someone close to you is scratched or bitten by these creatures, it is advised that you separate yourself from from the person afflicted and call local authorities. If you area attacked by one of these creatures, there is a high chance that you will turn into one of these creatures. It is not known how long this situation will last. It could last days, weeks, or even longer. Stay calm, as authorities have been dispatched to deal with these creatures. After an area has been cleared, an all-clear alarm will be sounded. If you are unable to.... a..... and then.... I... The radio began to cut out. My father hit it with his fist. It responded with static. He cursed. This was the only broadcast we'd been able to pick up on for days. When the first attacks were reported, we thought it would pass, life went on normally. I went to school and attended all my classes. It got worse. The epidemic spread all over Texas. They cancelled school. When things got really bad, father wanted to leave. But mother said no, Samantha, my little sister, was too sick. Father said it was a mistake to not leave. Turns out it was the best mistake we ever made. Every other family in Texas piled into their cars and started leaving. I'm sure you can see how Houston highways weren't meant for millions of cars all at once. They were stuck for days. Some people got out and tried to walk. But most stayed, hoping they would start moving at some point. And then the hoard arrived. We turned on the TV (they were still working at that point) and watched footage of the scene taken from a helicopter. Hundreds of thousands of those creatures arrived all at once. You could see them cresting over the hills as they descended upon the highway. They milled around the cars, stopping every so often to smash a window in, or tear of a door. I watched in horror as they began to rip people, struggling, from their seats and devoured them. Four or five would pounce on the person at a time. All that was left was a dismembered body lying on the ground. After a while, the body would rise and begin to shuffle around mindlessly. Several brave souls got out of their cars and make a break for it, or fight the creatures somehow. They didn't last for long. Nobody in the cars did. Nowadays, we don't go outside anymore, but if you're brave enough to glance out a window every once and a while, you can see a pack of them wander over and stumble down the street, searching for a rabbit or stray cat.

Thursday, September 28, 2017

The Big Day Story

Primary Sources: Alex(Guy driving car) James(Groom) Stacey(Bride)
Secondary Sources: John(Dad) Father Patrick(pastor)

The wedding between James Fitzpatrick and Stacey Johnson took place last Saturday at the Little Rock church in Allendale, California.

"It's was kind of stressed trying to get everything in line for the wedding." Said Stacey Johnson, the bride. "It was a real setback when the margarita machine for the reception broke, but we managed to make due."

Stacey's brother, Alex Johnson, drives down windy roads in Texas.

"I am extremely late for the wedding," Said Alex. "I was supposed to arrive in California on Thursday, due to bad weather, all the flights got cancelled."

The groom and his friends decided to go to Hooters for their celebratory pre-wedding dinner.

"I am totally psyched about the wedding bro," Said James Fitzpatrick, the groom and self proclaimed king of fantasy football. "I ordered this really nice all-white suit, with a red bowtie."

The bride's father, John Johnson, arrived 14 days early for the wedding.

"It's about time Stacey got married," Said John. "When she was 27 and still hadn't found a man, I began to get worried for her. I really hope they don't dilly dally during the reception. I paid for this wedding, and dag nabit if I don't get home by 7:00 I don't ever get to sleep."

At 1:30, guests begin to arrive and file into seats at the church.

"Oh my god. It's 1:30 and I don't see Alex. I'm literally freaking out right now," Said Stacey.

Stacey almost went into shock, but her bridesmaids were able to revive her using coconut scented candles.

"Stacey really needs to chill out," said bridesmaid Emily Baker. "She's a great friend and all, but she over reacts to everything. Like in 11th grade when she failed a test, she punched five teachers and ran around the school naked. It took the custodians five hours to get her down from the roof."

As the wedding began, Alex Johnson finally arrived.

"Stacey looked really shocked and ashamed that I showed up late," Said Alex. "I just tried to calm my breathing and slid into the nearest aisle, and the pastor continued like nothing had happened."

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

The Big Day

              This guy was driving down the road in his Volkswagen, trying to make it to a wedding. He drove for a while, past the countryside and into the city. When he arrived at a train crossing, the bar went down and the train began to zoom past, stopping him from getting to the wedding faster. Finally, when he arrived, he ran into the church to discover people already getting married.

Notes: Julio seems anxious or nervous. Another man in the room with the bride and bridesmaids. Clergyman in the corner, had a book and dress. Bride looks happy, watching bridesmaids. Driving fast, not a careful driver, one hand on top. Still tense. The mom is absent from the wedding. Bride starts looking a little bit more nervous, something going on. Guy checks the time, probably late. Dad checks time. Bride looks out the window, looking for something. Guy gets stuck at the train, looks frustrated yelling. Dad closes door. Guy arrives at the church jumps out of car. Runs inside,  bride sees guy, looks scared, head goes downcast. Groom looks up, confused, and looks at bride, bride takes heavy labored breath.

Who: Julio(Guy driving car)/anxious, late Jayci(Bride)/looks happy at first, then messes with ring. Bridesmaids, James(Father) checks clock John(Groom)

What: A wedding, a guy who is late.

When: September 17, 2009.

Where: Long windy road, then in straight road in the forest. Then in the desert. Then near the beach. Then on a bridge. Then back in the windy mountains.



Current Events Quiz #4

1. Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, John McCain, Susan Collins
2. 1969
3. Something you can put on a card reader that can record information from credit cards
4. They say it will help them hire and have better employees for better customer service
5. J.J. Manson

Long Response:  1. I had just seen a bunch of stories about players kneeling during the national anthem but I didn't know what they were about. 2. I don't think NFL players should be required to stand for the national anthem because they have a constitutional right to protest peacefully. 3. If they want to do that, then it's their choice, that being said, I think that's a little extreme. 4. No I think the president needs to be more professional than that and should let the NFL players protest. 5. I think the reason that they are kneeling is because racism is still alive and well in this country and many of the NFL players don't agree with that. 6. I think Colin Kaepernick did the right thing when he kneeled because he wanted to protest the national anthem.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Student of the Month Story

Every month Bowie high school gives away the Student of the Month award. This month, 10th grader Jack Johnson had the honor of accepting this award.

"I was so happy when I found out that I won," Johnson said. "I nearly cried."

Johnson did 15 extra hours of tutoring to get the grades needed for the award
"I think my mom influenced me the most by helping me with homework and enrolling me in K-12 online tutoring school," Johnson said.

Johnson recently made the Varsity soccer team and is president of NHS.

"Jack was working really hard, going to tutoring, doing extracurricular activities, and playing soccer. I was not surprised when we found out that he won Student of the Month," said Jack Johnson's friend, sophomore Anthony Brown. 

Johnson also took part in many of the clubs offered at Bowie.

"I think the reason that I won this award was because I got all A's last 6 weeks and I am also in a bunch of extracurricular activities like chess club, fencing club, ping pong club, physics club, math club, and dungeons and dragons club." Johnson said.

 Johnson felt accomplished to win this award because it had been a big goal for him for many months. 

"I almost got student of the month last month, but I got an 85 on a math test which made my grade drop," Johnson said. "I got so mad, I threw my minecraft foam sword out the window."

Johnson came back from having an 83 in English in the middle of the semester to finishing with a 94.

 "I think some qualities that I have that helped me earn this title are that I never give up, and I love to get involved," Johnson said.

Johnson's highest grade of the 6 weeks was chemistry.

"I think my favorite subject is science, because I am in chemistry right now and I think it is really interesting. Physics club is really fun as well because we all get to sit around and talk about physics, and at the end of the course, we have a big banquet and we all get dressed up," Johnson said. 

Friday, September 15, 2017

This event is one of the climactic moments in the "space race" between the US and the Soviet union. This front page article shows the headline "MEN WALK ON MOON" this story was when astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz aldrin stepped on to the surface of the moon.

This is an interesting story because it was an amazing feat of human ingenuity when people landed on the moon and where able to walk around. This is also very significant because it was the first time any human being had ever stepped on to any worldly body other than the Earth.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Student of the Month Interview

1. How do you feel about being student of the month?
2. How will this affect your life from now on?
3. Are your parents proud of you?
4. How hard did you have to work to earn this title?
5. Do you have any advice for student's who want to become future students of the month?
6. Do you get good grades?
7. In your opinion, are you smart?
8. Are you getting any rewards for being student of the month?
9. How has becoming student of the month impacted you?
10. When you heard that you were student of the month, what went through your mind?
11. Do you have anyone to thank for helping you reach this title?
12. What other goals do you have for the future?
13. What else do you hope to accomplish next month?
14. Why is student of the month a good thing?
15. Is becoming student of the month purely based on academics?
16. Are you going to try to get student of the month again?
17. Did you have to do any extra work to get this title?
18. At what time did you receive the reward?
19. Did you get a certificate or trophy for this award?
20. What is your main message to other students who are struggling with academics?

Extra Sources:
Student's parents
Student's friends

"School Uniforms"

School Board President

1. What is your name? How do you spell it?
Kylie Stevenson
2. How would this change affect the lives of people at the school?
This change will take away people's uniqueness
3. Why do you think this change has been made?
Most of the school board believes the way people dress distracts from learning.
4. Do you think having school uniforms is beneficial to the school?
Save some people money, as they won't have to buy a bunch of new clothes.
5. When will the new policy take affect?
Next year, 2018-2019
6. List some pros for the new policy.
It will save money, and look professional 
7. List some cons for the new policy.
It takes away uniqueness and makes students feel like [their] opinions don't matter.
8. What do you think about this new policy?
I disagree because it doesn't let me be who I am.
9. Will there be financial compensation for parents who can't pay for uniforms?
I think that there should be, kids shouldn't be outed because their parents can't pay.
10. Do you think the school uniforms will decrease bullying?
[I] don't think so, everyones body looks different.
11. Will faculty and staff have to wear school uniforms as well?
I believe they should.
12. Do you think this will be a lasting change?
Maybe it will last for a few years.
13. How do you think this will affect students learning?
I don't think it will have any affect.
14. Was there a specific reason for enacting this new policy?
Because people can get to distracted with certain types of bodies.
15. Will the uniform have the school colors on it?
16. Could the uniform decrease creativity in some students?
17. Do you think other schools will decide to follow in your footsteps?
It kind of depends on the school's atmosphere.
18. Will there be a certain time when students don't have to be in uniform?
During school events such as dances, football games, pep rallies.
19. How will this affect student's social life?
I don't think it will have an effect.
20. How much will school uniforms cost the schools?
Between $150-200

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Current Events Quiz #3

1. 7,000
2. A social worker held his mother's hand as she passed away and he himself was affected by social workers
3. Between 11am and 6pm
4. $2,000
5. The Orville

Long response
1. Usually a president will listen to his party for aid, because the reason he chose that party is because he agrees with most things that the party says.
2. I think Trump wanted to get something done and decided to cross the party barrier, because he wanted to at least do something and didn't want to have party barriers stopping him.
3. I think GOP leaders are resentment of Trump because he kind of betrayed them, and went against his own party.
4. I do think that this attempt to reach across the aisle will be beneficial to the United States, because this is a good idea and it doesn't matter which party came up with it or not.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Important Journalism

Important people in Journalism

Journalism Ethics

1. Aaargh! Pirates! (and the press)
             The situation of this is that copies of music are being leaked on the internet and people are buying them illegally, causing the music industry to lose hundreds of thousands of dollars because people are freely buying songs instead of purchasing them. This is a journalism ethics question because music magazines like Rolling Stones and Billboard are putting out articles on this situation, and will even go as far as to include a link so that the reader can listen to the leaked music. The question now is, is this ethical? Aren't these music magazines just publishing illegal music and promoting the download of leaked music?
             I think that this is definitely an unethical thing to do. These magazines are essentially promoting a practice that has plagued the music industry for years. This is morally bad because if this music goes around, artists can't make money for making a catchy song because people are buying their songs illegally. Not to mention the obvious fact that these magazines are promoting illegal actions, which is technically only one step away from being criminal.

2. Deep Throat, and His Motive
The situation is that when Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward's story on the Watergate scandal broke, it was a huge success that impacted americans everywhere. Although, the journalists did protect their source, nicknamed "Deep Throat" and did not reveal his name until 2005. The question is, is it ethical to not release the name of the informant in the story?
I think that it is ethical to not release the name of the informant, because he has the right to his privacy and he might not be willing to give good information if he is afraid that his identity might be leaked.

3. Offensive Images
After images making fun of the prophet Mohammed were released in 2006, they were noted by many islamic leaders, and the images caused rioting, burning embassies, and killing in islamic countries. The story was picked up, but many news sources opted to just describe the images in question, rather than actually printing the images themselves. The question is, is it ethical to print these images?
I don't think that it's ethical to print these images. Obviously the images are very dangerous, and people are rioting and dying because of them. I just don't think it would be right to print images as offensive as these.

Final Video
