Tuesday, September 26, 2017

The Big Day

              This guy was driving down the road in his Volkswagen, trying to make it to a wedding. He drove for a while, past the countryside and into the city. When he arrived at a train crossing, the bar went down and the train began to zoom past, stopping him from getting to the wedding faster. Finally, when he arrived, he ran into the church to discover people already getting married.

Notes: Julio seems anxious or nervous. Another man in the room with the bride and bridesmaids. Clergyman in the corner, had a book and dress. Bride looks happy, watching bridesmaids. Driving fast, not a careful driver, one hand on top. Still tense. The mom is absent from the wedding. Bride starts looking a little bit more nervous, something going on. Guy checks the time, probably late. Dad checks time. Bride looks out the window, looking for something. Guy gets stuck at the train, looks frustrated yelling. Dad closes door. Guy arrives at the church jumps out of car. Runs inside,  bride sees guy, looks scared, head goes downcast. Groom looks up, confused, and looks at bride, bride takes heavy labored breath.

Who: Julio(Guy driving car)/anxious, late Jayci(Bride)/looks happy at first, then messes with ring. Bridesmaids, James(Father) checks clock John(Groom)

What: A wedding, a guy who is late.

When: September 17, 2009.

Where: Long windy road, then in straight road in the forest. Then in the desert. Then near the beach. Then on a bridge. Then back in the windy mountains.



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