Thursday, September 7, 2017

Current Events Quiz #3

1. 7,000
2. A social worker held his mother's hand as she passed away and he himself was affected by social workers
3. Between 11am and 6pm
4. $2,000
5. The Orville

Long response
1. Usually a president will listen to his party for aid, because the reason he chose that party is because he agrees with most things that the party says.
2. I think Trump wanted to get something done and decided to cross the party barrier, because he wanted to at least do something and didn't want to have party barriers stopping him.
3. I think GOP leaders are resentment of Trump because he kind of betrayed them, and went against his own party.
4. I do think that this attempt to reach across the aisle will be beneficial to the United States, because this is a good idea and it doesn't matter which party came up with it or not.

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